Yiwen Chen’s Homepage

I am Yiwen Chen (陈逸文), a second-year Ph.D. student at Khoury College of Computer Science, Northeastern University, supervised by Prof. Huaizu Jiang.I received my Bachelor’s degree from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,and my Master’s degree from Brown University . My research interests mainly focus on generation and interaction with 3D scenes and objects.


Hieu T. Nguyen *, Yiwen Chen *, Vikram Voleti, Varun Jampani, Huaizu Jiang

Rao Fu, Xiao Zhan, Yiwen Chen, Daniel Ritchie, Srinath Sridhar

(* denotes equal contribution)


CS3540 Game Programming (2024 summer, NorthEastern)

CS1230 Computer Graphics (2022 Fall, Brown)